Here is wisdom…

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In Matthew Chapter 25, Jesus likens the kingdom of heaven to ten virgins, five of whom were prepared for the times ahead because they had brought oil beforehand. During these unforeseeable circumstances, it is incredible to see the hand of God and how he prepared me for the times ahead. To illustrate the mind of God, here are the instances of what God guided me to do:

  1. Before the closure of Garden Centers in April 2020, knowing that schools are going to be closed for the next few months, I went and purchased seeds, garden soil and some plants to grow for the summer. The planting of seeds and vegetables kept me occupied during the times at home because the garden was the only outdoor area suitable to spend time in. It also gave me the opportunity to plant seeds and plants in time, for me to harvest vegetables during the summer holidays. Prudent planning by the Creator!
  2. Everyone seemed to be buying toilet rolls, flour, yeast and water; and stock piling these goods for the times ahead. Thankfully, I had already bought toilet rolls and water in February 2020. I also had quite a considerable amount of flour from the time I last made waffles. Also, my sister had bought a number of sachets of yeast the last time she was visiting. Therefore, I had no need to panic, and no need to stockpile these items. With normal use, I was able to use these items throughout this period, only buying water bottles in August 2020. I am still using my stock of toilet rolls. You can see what I did with the flour and yeast if you read my post on Creative Cooking. Amazing!
  3. With many people using masks around the world for health reasons, and PPE shortages looking likely for essential workers, it would be prudent to have some masks at home. Therefore, with my last order from Screwfix before closure, I ordered three or four respiratory masks. So I kept these in stock till everyone was looking around for masks and needed masks when going out. During the times of PPE shortage, it was nice to have masks in stock and to give to others for emergency use. 

The verse in Revelation 13, verse 18: “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.“; those with understanding will prepare for the times ahead; not stock piling with physical goods, but preparing for the times ahead. We are preparing for the rapture and our thinking needs to adapt to the life above. Knowing the times ahead, knowing the seasons, knowing the direction of society, knowing that religious places of worship may remain closed; Christians with understanding will prepare by keeping their minds focused on the things above, heightening their curiosity of God’s character and preserving their way of life by keeping their separation. Ultimately, we know the times are heading towards the rule of the antichrist; and so with that understanding, let us get our priorities right, utilising the time left to prepare for a life with Jesus. 

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