Christmas 2023 – Dinner for Six for One

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I was deserted by all my family members for Christmas 2023, but check out food I prepared for just me and the chickens! What a treat! Everything was made from scratch: the usual Duck in Plum Sauce, Lamb Wellington, the traditional Yorkshire Pudding (shop bought), and my own version of mum’s liver stuffing! I actually made my usual Christmas Pudding in January, but it came out brilliantly again! Too much!








Now, usually I do something special for the kids at school; this year, I got Delia to make Pine Cones for all my Form kids. They were made from Coco Puffs cereal, with a chocolate cake middle; they were yummy, but unfortunately my spoilt From kids don’t appreciate the artistry and effort (let alone the cost) of make these things. It might be the last time I do something for them. Haha. 

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