Dad’s 80th Birthday in Sri Lanka

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February 2023 – the family decided to meet in Lanka to celebrate dad’s 80th Birthday. Of course, this took a few months of planning, with a coordinated effort between the family members in UK and Australia, to come up with a Book of Photos of the momentous occasions in Dad’s life thus far. It was quite an incredible trip, which was made even more special because my elder sister decided she was coming too. The same evening that we landed, we hit the seafood restaurant for some lobster and crab…..yummy! 


We also took the opportunity to travel to Jaffna for a few days, staying in a really nice hotel where we enjoyed the pool and lots of nice food. On the way back, we stayed in a really nice beach hotel in Trinco; again enjoying the pool and really nice food. It was the first time we all sat at the beach and did nothing but relax, sometimes in the water. I was particularly enjoying the iced teas, which they made for me!


Dad’s birthday celebration was not exactly as we planned. In fact, nothing really went to plan – no photos, no prayers, no speech (that anyone was listening to…but it was nice to meet a lot of old friends of Dad’s, and catch up with everyone. Enjoy the photos.

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