Gardening – A work of Art

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So we are blessed with all this bonus time during the beginning of Spring 2020, the perfect time to commence gardening. After months of mathematical precision planning, the front quadrant is blooming with daffodils and snow drops. I think it looks amazing against the backdrop of Peugeot cars that fill the driveway. The bottle brush is starting to do well after some neglect on my part. However, it does look fantastic with the night light shines through it. The best move was to plant my five mini roses with equal angle spacing. Just waiting for those different coloured roses to show up once the bulbs die down for the year. Should be perfect timing God willing!

The rear garden is now a work in progress. Most areas have gone to plan, with seedlings being planted around the beds. The ‘Spencer’ Sweet Peas should climb nicely on the side of the Chicken House, with the seven different herbs (and spices) going well with a typical Chicken’s diet. I wasn’t planning on serving barbecued chicken, but I am planning on having a barbecue for one (no one else is invited) – just working on that now. Apart from that, the runner beans should come out well this year, and I am expecting a good yield of raspberries and blueberries this year. I must say, although the garden is coming along nicely, it is still not as nice as how the old Salmon Street house had before I left.


I will put up a video of the current rear set up, because it is modelled on my grandmother’s house in Sanguvelli, Jaffna – an almost open verandah from where you can sit and keep an eye on the chickens, especially as they roam the garden, and vegetables and flowers growing as the sprinkler system takes care of the watering.

Link to 351 Garden Video: This Video is three and a half mins long

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