The Lanka / Aussie Trip

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This time I have got it right; a two week trip in the Easter holidays: one week with each parent, whom I have not seen since before lockdown. It was perfect timing as when I landed in Sri Lanka, the chaos was just beginning. I have never seen people totally ignore a curfew in Sri Lanka, and carry on as normal. The time was just perfect, because I managed to do everything in one week, see everyone I had to, and enjoy late night Maths classes on TV. It was quite a good standard because I copied one their Circle Theorem questions for myself. They even have Popeye’s now, with one branch literally next to my cousin’s place. The other cousin has a McDonald’s at the top of his road….if only!

When I landed in Sydney, the same night I just unpacked my bags, and then started packing all the things I had left behind the last time. One suitcase was eventually packed with Pizza Shapes, Tim Tams, Cheezels, Kraft Cheese and Peanut Butter. It was rushed but nice to see everyone for a short time. Even managed to go to Canberra to see my cousin, and when we got there, well lo and behold, the car that was parked in the house opposite:


Finally saw the Bridge and Opera House from an angle I had never seen before; all this while hunting for Guylian Hot chocolate in the City with my crazy sister!

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