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65 entries.
Ronita Jamnadas Ronita Jamnadas from Planet Earth (but sometimes I wonder) wrote on March 9, 2000 at 2:44 am:
Well Rupert after immense pressure :)) ,...finally my words of wisdom,..Rule No. 1 is, don't sweat the small stuff. Rule No. 2 is, it's all small stuff.
SILVANA HETFIELD SILVANA HETFIELD from argentina wrote on February 24, 2000 at 2:45 am:
i love will smith
Papoose Papoose from Sri Lanka of course wrote on February 9, 2000 at 2:46 am:
Yo Raj, Thanks for all the help you gave while you were here, it was greatly appreciated. Mostly thank you for our friendship.Lets be through thick and thin for always.
Josh Josh from vermont wrote on January 4, 2000 at 2:48 am:
I think your show was great .I watch it every night Ithink hillary is hott.
Chuck Chuck from My Butt Crack wrote on January 4, 2000 at 2:47 am:
I like the show YEAH
robyn khalil robyn khalil from vermont wrote on December 22, 1999 at 2:49 am:
I like your homepage...its improved heaps from last time (not that it was bad the first time)
Anna Miller Anna Miller from vermont wrote on November 6, 1999 at 2:50 am:
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Paul Burke Paul Burke from as above wrote on August 23, 1999 at 2:51 am:
What a lovely homepage. Very impressive. Keep up the good work and one day you might make a lotta money.
LIBBY EDWIN LIBBY EDWIN from HEAVEN wrote on August 3, 1999 at 2:52 am:
Civil is better than mechanical ....do you agree with it Rupert????????
Dave Moore Dave Moore from Sydney wrote on July 26, 1999 at 2:52 am:
Everythings cool here except that .wav file on your Fresh Prince page. Too big man, not enough bandwidth available to stream it live. Try converting it into another format or sampling it at a lower frequency.
How are ya anyway? I'll ring you soon before the work starts piling up again

Ayesha Ayesha from Pak\Aus wrote on July 3, 1999 at 2:53 am:
g f f fffff4 aw wrt;''ot5y6f ff f a:~~! LK P/;

Yes Rup that's exactly what my daughter thinks of your website!
As for my opinion, I think that your website should be more about you and less about the fresh prince !
Nawee Butsuntorn Nawee Butsuntorn from Bangkok, Thailand wrote on June 3, 1999 at 2:54 am:
Good work Rupert
The Omnipotent Dhufish entity The Omnipotent Dhufish entity from Dhufishland wrote on October 16, 1998 at 3:05 am:
Your page is cool banana and it is cool and stuff and it has dhufish stuff in it and that is the best bit so you oughta put lots more dhufish stuff because dhufish rulez methinks, yeah! Anyway, typing long sentences is cool hey? Well, that's just my humble estimation. Not that i'm good at estimating... Anyway... Anyway... Something else... I
Lalith Lalith from Not Sure wrote on October 12, 1998 at 3:07 am:
you think your the fresh prince you suck you shouldn't try to be some one your not fresh prince is dead Will smith might still be alive. YOu suck
Amanda Hooker Amanda Hooker from Australia!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! wrote on October 12, 1998 at 3:06 am:
No Message
Tina Hsieh Tina Hsieh from Australia/Taiwan wrote on September 29, 1998 at 3:08 am:
To Rupert,

This is a very nice homepage. Thank you for letting me put my name here. Don't ask me about the MudTea thingie. It's a very long story.
Patrick Teo Patrick Teo from Singapore wrote on September 19, 1998 at 3:08 am:
Nice homepage of The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air
Brian Pearson Brian Pearson from No Location wrote on September 11, 1998 at 3:09 am:
Rupert is such an idiot and a pain and the neck, and, like most people, I would like to kill him eventually.
Pat Morgan Pat Morgan from Bowen Mountain wrote on September 10, 1998 at 3:11 am:
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Hoa Phan Hoa Phan from No LoNot reportedcation wrote on September 10, 1998 at 3:10 am:
Amar put me up to it!