Count Your Blessings…

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A series of articles that I wrote based on my biblical revelations inspired by the Holy Spirit who gave me the understanding I needed to conduct my life.

1. The Alabaster Box:

What a wonderful story we read of this woman with her alabaster box. The alabaster box is part of a Jewish virgin’s most prized possession, only given to her husband on her wedding day! (Based on Matthew 26:7-13)

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2. Bearing the Iniquity of others:

Whether we are believers or servants of God, as Christians we are called to follow the example of Christ. In particular we see Christ bore our iniquities on the Cross of Calvary. (Based on Isaiah 53:11)

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3. Covetous Practices:

We have all heard of how we need to exercise our faith, be constantly renewed in the anointing of the Holy Spirit, drinking of the grace of God, etc. However, let us consider those who are doing the complete opposite. It is not simply ‘not doing the above’, but exercising themselves in wickedness, drinking iniquity, and being filled with so many evil spirits.

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4. The devil’s playground:

After a great blessing, there is almost always a great trial. We may have a great weekend of fasting, prayers, anointing and blessings from the Lord; but Monday morning there will be something waiting for us, whether at work or home or even from within the church.

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5. Forgiveness – the essence of Christianity:

Ever wondered about the true meaning of turning the other cheek, or to forgive ‘seventy times seven‘ times?

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6. God’s Hedge around you:

When we read the book of Job, we see that God testifies of the perfect life that Job was living. The devil also accused God that Job is only perfect because of God’s protection and blessings on Job and his family. (Based on Job 1:10)

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7. Helping the ‘Poor’:

The Bible teaches us to help the poor, to pray for them, to look after them. But who are these ‘poor’ people? Are they the beggars, the homeless, the squatters? Yes, in the world all these people exist too, and Jesus by example helped them as much as He could. (Based on Matthew 25:40)

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8. A Mixed Multitude:

Even within the church, there are two groups of people (perhaps more). At least two groups are easily identifiable to the discerning – the Overcoming Man child that will be caught up at the coming of the Lord, and the left behind church – the woman who gave birth to the man child. (Based on Revelation 12:1-5)

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9. The Talents:

The story of the stewards who received talents of different amounts in Matthew Chapter 25, is not simply concerning the talents and abilities that God has given to us. But Jesus spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven and how we should prepare to enter therein. (Based on the parable of the Talents, told by Jesus in the different Gospels.)

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10. The Heart of Man:

Very often, we use the term ‘God understands if I don’t go for the meeting’, ‘He knows how my heart is, how I want to go but there are circumstances’, ‘I will get the blessings and anointing at home’, etc. Anyway, God only looks at our hearts, so therefore, as long as our hearts are clean, and there is want inside to go to the meetings, it is okay. Isn’t this what we often say to ourselves? How casually we disregard and dishonour the presence of God!

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11. Giving Tithes:

Giving Tithes is not a New Testament tradition or law, and Jesus did not say how much to give. It started in the very beginning, when Cain and Abel brought their first fruits to God for an offering. 

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12. The Sting of Unforgiven Sins:

In John 14:30, Jesus says, “Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.” What did He mean when He said, “(he) hath nothing in me.”?

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13. Wayside Seeds:

In the parable of the sower who sowed seeds, Jesus tells of the seeds that fell on the wayside. Mark 4:4, “And it came to pass, as he sowed, some fell by the way side, and the fowls of the air came and devoured it up.” The gospel of Luke also mentions that the seeds were trodden under foot, before the fowls came to devour them.

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14. An Issue of Blood:

This story reveals a healing from all kinds of desperate situations. “A large crowd followed and pressed around Him. And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse.”

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