Cromer Crabs

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My sister invited me to have lunch with her in Norfolk where she was staying for a few days. So I suggested that it might be worth having some seafood on the coast. She said that Cromer might be the place to visit, since it was famous for its crabs and other seafood. 


So I made the three hour drive up to meet her in Cromer; it was a nice drive in the Volvo Cabrio, but too hot to put the hood down. No doubt I got sunburnt anyway.

So after walking along the beach and pier, we decided to go for lunch to one of the local cafes. They had a Crab platter with Crab sandwich filling, fresh crab in the shell and Crab cakes. Everything was delicious, and it was nice to taste crab without all the spices, which is the usual Sri Lankan preparation. 

So after eating it with some Ginger Beer, we walked around trying to find more seafood to take home. At the same seafood outlet that supplied the cafe, we managed to get crab in the shell, some crab paste, and Lobster!!! It was already cooked and fresh too. 

Again, it was quite a process to eat Lobster without the spices, and not as nice as fresh crab. I think Lobster is best served the Sri Lankan way (Restaurant 168 for anyone’s interest). 

Have put the seafood to take home in the car, with ice packs in the portable cooler; we headed off to the beach again. It was the perfect weather to have ice cream, and so I had a waffle cone with Maple and Honeycomb ice cream. It was alright. 

Our last stop was at the Fish and Chips shop, which seemed to be the most popular in Cromer. The queue was forever, so while I looked after Ralphie, my sister got some Scampi and Chips for the drive home. It was nice while it was hot and definitely worth the wait. 

All in all, it is worth driving up to Cromer just to enjoy the Crab and even bring some back. I would do it again…just need to choose the right car.

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