Christ’s Millennial Reign (What will life be like after the Tribulation period?)

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Some may have concluded that despite our best efforts, the planet’s resources will be exhausted and we will not be able to live peaceably with others, and eventually destroy the planet. The Bible foretells of these times, where the end of life as we know it concludes with the Battle of Armageddon. Ever wondered what life will be like after the battle. This the beginning of Christ’s Millennial Reign on Earth:

Chapter 1: The Establishment
Chapter 2: The Kingdom of Christ
Chapter 3: What will we be doing for a Thousand Years?
Chapter 4: The Building Work
Chapter 5: Appointments with the Lord
Chapter 6: Jerusalem – the Lord’s City
Chapter 7: Eating to increase in Knowledge
Chapter 8: Recycling in the Millennial Reign
Chapter 9: Establishing Law and Discipline


Chapter 10: The Battle of Gog and Magog (to be completed)

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