Category: News

Gardening – A work of Art

So we are blessed with all this bonus time during the beginning of Spring 2020, the perfect time to commence gardening. After months of mathematical precision planning, the front quadrant is blooming with daffodils and snow drops. I think it looks amazing against the backdrop of Peugeot cars that fill the driveway. The bottle brush […]

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A Museum of Family History at Sanguvelli

Since Dad restored my grandmother’s property at Sanguvelli, Jaffna; I have been collecting family memorabilia from mainly the Arulanantham family side, and adding to the collection we have there now. We have some very old photographs restored and framed, the entire Perinpanayagar-Arulanantham-Spencer Family tree pretty much up to date, Ammamma’s old Prize Books restored, and […]

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A Reunion in Bremen

Now that my sister has moved to Bremen, I thought I would go and see what is so wonderful about that place… I quickly found out, nothing! After wondering if hell looks a lot better than this place, I took the opportunity to meet with some friends from Hanover, Germany. I had not seen them […]

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Project: 504Cab

Been working on this classic from 1973, a LHD 504 Cabriolet TI imported from France. I have been looking for a later model, but the Mark 1 is so much easier to work with, with more parts available. Had to go shopping in Germany, France, Italy, and even Australia for bits and pieces. Had the […]

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Project: 306Gti

I’ve spent quite a bit of dough on this car; after buying it twice (yes, twice thanks to Dayalan), it’s now got new leather for the front seats and door cards, a roof lining, Chrish’s old Pioneer Head Unit, a Base box and Amp (thanks to one of my students Ajay Chander), gone through a […]

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